Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday Morning

This is the first Saturday for us in quite a while that no one is visiting and we are not traveling somewhere. So we have been able to revert to our usual Saturday morning routine. For us that is going to Starbuck's and splitting a 'non-fat, decaf, no whip, venti mocha' while we peruse the New York Times. Generally some friends stop in and we converse for a while before getting on with our day. Since fall has not yet begun, that means our local Saturday Farmers' Market is still open. It is a sunny, albeit cool day, so we meandered through and picked up some fresh produce to tide us over for the week. Soon it will be time to harvest our own apple crop.

Here are some pictures of our morning......

Sunrise brings atypical sun rays bursting through the trees as seen from our bedroom window.

John reading the NY Times and enjoying our mocha at our favorite local Starbucks.

Our hometown local farmers' market

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