Friday, March 12, 2010

Uplands Trail Hike

A couple of days ago it was sunny and fairly warm, so we ventured out for a spring hike in the hills around Yakima. Some of the spring wildflowers are blooming and the snow covered mountains were visible in the distance. It was a great day! Beautiful flowers, sunshine, semi-warm temps, and, best of all, way too early for the rattlesnakes to be out.


The McCurdy Family said...

I can recommend a beautiful hike out at the Umtanum off of Canyon Road. Once there, go over the foot bridge that spans the Yakima river, across the railroad tracks and start hiking. The first part of the hike follows a little creek, and along the way you'll find an old orchard. I suspect there was a homestead there at one time? It is a lovely walk and should be especially pretty this time of year with the wildflowers just starting to bloom.

Our Family said...

Thanks, Maureen - we'll check that out. Better yet, if you want, come over and hike it with us.