Sunday, August 31, 2008

Summer's End - Lake Easton

As a final family gathering for the summer, we met up with Drew and his family in the Cascade Mountains at Lake Easton for a day of hiking and canoeing. This lake about half way between Drew's home on the eastern side of the mountains and ours on the western side. It is a beautiful, pristine, alpine lake about 2200 feet above sea level. We were all surprised at how cool it was, especially since it is still August. The temperature was in the low 60's, but the wind made it feel much colder than that.
With the children starting back to school and Mark leaving tomorrow to go back to college, this was the last chance for all 7 of us to get together. We met in the morning for a 3-mile hike, had a picnic lunch, and then went canoeing in the afternoon. We finished off the day by going to a local restaurant for dinner and then we headed back home to our side of the mountains as Drew and his family headed back home to their house. It was a great day for all of us and a great way to finish the summer. Here are some pictures ......

John, Sarah, JJ, and Drew carrying Hannah, as we hiked all the way around Lake Easton

Mark with JJ and Hannah overlooking the lake

Mark, Drew, JJ, and Hannah walking through an old railroad tunnel.

John, JJ, and Mark - all seasoned canoers!

Returning from the last canoe ride of the day - Sarah, Hannah, and Drew.


Nesa Farrell said...

Great pictures! Mountains, Lakes, Canoeing, Hiking, all my favorite things. I'd love to visit there! Nesa

The Wooly Thread said...
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Our Family said...

Thanks, Nesa. We enjoy your family blog, too. You inspired us to start one.